We will help you !

Doing an Event, Exhibition or Conference & Looking for Guests, Exhibitors, Visitors, Keynote speakers ?

Our Custom made guest acquisition & Event Marketing Services are made for Event organisers

Lead Acquisition

We help you acquire getting guests, Exhibitors & Sponsors on turn key basis. Just let us know your requirement and our team will work as your extended team and do everything from identification of prospects till signing up at your event.

Lead Validation

You have your own client list but not sure how updated it is. A bad database is a cost. We have team & mechanism to validate and filter and update your database. Your team will save time and effort by getting filtered and updated list.


Lead Mapping

You have your own team for lead generation and Just looking for industry database. We help you by providing relevant and updated industry database with highest possible accuracy which your team can utilise for lead generation by calling, through email campaigns.